Tag Archives: diets

Why Should You Read This Blog?

Summer is a 27-year-old running newbie who lives in Nashville, Tenn., with her husband. Although she has always been active, and particularly enjoys activities such as Pilates, yoga and weight lifting, she too was sucked into the running furor by a compelling friend. Like me, Summer is training for a 5K using the Couch to 5K running program. Although she started two weeks after me and Julie, her race is the same day: the St. Patty’s Day Kegs & Eggs 5K Run/Walk in Nashville.

I had a nice chat with Summer on Sunday night discussing exercise, getting old, blogging and what inspires her to get up in the freezing cold three days a week to run.

Do you regularly read any running or fitness blogs?

Not really; I read general fitness magazines and sometimes fitness or diet blogs, but nothing specific to running. So far, probably because I’m just four weeks in, I haven’t felt like I needed advice specific to running. Most of it is pretty self-explanatory or stuff I already know. Besides, my running group does a 15-minute Q&A before each session, and I’ve found that answers most of my questions so far.

I do sometimes read articles recommended by my friends on Facebook, but again, those aren’t usually on running only — mostly about diets, general fitness and exercise goals.

I think if I was a more experienced runner, or was running longer distances, I would be more interested in running-specific articles. I would have more questions about my running program then.

As a new runner, what do you look for in blogs/online sources? Continue reading

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